This past month has been busy, which has precluded me from blogging recently - hopefully this will change going forward.
We have been working on our 21st Century Learning Framework. This has been exhausting yet rewarding. Take a look at it here. We are working on a roll-out plan for staff to use this framework in their lesson planning and "shifting" to more of an inquiry based, partnering stance with students.
Also, a team of two other teachers, my principal and I, were excited to present at this year's ECOO Conference. During our presentation we gave a snap shot of "CPSS's journey toward 21st Century Learning". We were very thrilled to see that we had a lot of interest. There was standing room only.
I have also been involved in a new PDSB video on flipping. A very exciting part of this video, is that 2 of my students discuss their experience in flipping. (Both female students in this video are mine!!).
One of the initial purposes of this video was to use it during a professional learning session on "The Flipped Classroom". Several of us in the video, as well as, resource teachers from the board, spent a day at Castlebrooke S.S. running a session for staff who are interested in trying it out. It went very well!
Now for my classes. Grade 11 Accounting has been going well. The flipped classroom has actually been a blessing in disguise as I've been absent a lot at all of these workshops, PL sessions and conferences. While I was away, they kept up with the lessons and the work and we didn't fall behind. The past two days I've been working with them and can see that they worked very well while I was gone. Well Done Grade 11's!
Grade 9 Business has also been fun - this is a tough group to keep engaged. We have been focusing on Digital Citizenship. To make it a bit more interesting and to set the stage for the remainder of the course... I set up a group Twitter feed @FitzeeCPSS, where my Gr 9's can tweet from this account. Take a peek at the tweets if you get a chance. Today we tweeted about Anti-Bullying, as this week our school is very focused on it. I plan to use this often for the students to tweet about what they are learning.
Stay tuned for more!