The Flipped Classroom Survey Results (Semester 2 June 2013) and
Comparison to First Semester
Well it’s been another full semester and I can say, “Fitzee
officially flipped out” for the whole year! The following is a summary of my
Semester 2 Grade 11 Accounting students’ feedback regarding the flipped class. There
is also a comparison of these results to my Semester 1 results. The results are from one class of students. Semester
1 had a larger group, as I had 2 full classes. Also, I was going to survey my Grade 12
Accounting students however, I totally forgot on exam day. (I’m losing my mind – but that’s a whole
other story).
Question 1
As you can see 95%
of my students enjoyed it (although you would never know it on some days). These results are very similar to what I saw
Semester 1 – 92%. I must have improved by 3%! Truth be told, I think Semester 2 was worse,
the class didn’t seem as engaged and I had much more of a challenge trying to
get them to watch the videos and I was out of the class more often due to
conferences etc. However, according to
this - they certainly enjoyed it!
Question 2
47% wish all of
their classes were flipped. That is
almost half! That is crazy in my
opinion. Half of our students wish all
of their classes were flipped! Plus the
other half were neutral. Compared to
Semester 1 this is a bit lower. Semester
1, had 51% saying they wish all of
their classes were flipped and 35% were
neutral. So what does this tell us? Should I flip everything? As my principal would
say “hold your horses”. I agree. I still have numerous items that I am working
on to make it better for next year (mostly based on their comments that you
will see below).
Question 3
73% agree or
strongly agree (21% neutral) that the videos were the right length. This is interesting, as they complained like
it was torture after I ask them how the video was the night before. The other interesting thing is that these
were the exact same videos that I used in Semester 1 and 62% of them agreed or strongly agreed (28% neutral) that they were
the right amount. I read an article
recently “ISTE 2013: A Conversation with Jon
Bergmann of the Flipped Learning Network”
and in that article Jon Bergmann suggests that the videos should be 1.5 minutes
for the grade level. i.e. grade 10’s
should have 15 min video’s. Grade 12’s
should have 18 min videos. In my
personal opinion.. 18 mins is WAY too long.
15 mins is WAY too long. My new
goal is to make them all 10 mins or less, and where I can’t, I’ve been
splitting them, based on the feedback from first semester.
Question 4
Well this is good news. Almost 90%
disagree or strongly disagree that they would NEVER take a flipped class
again. (Sorry for the double
negative). For those with “summer brain”
that means they would take one again! Compared to Semester 1, 95% would take one again.
Question 5
Well this was a new question that I added to the survey this
semester. I kicked myself after the last
one for not including one like this.
This is GREAT news for me. I
always struggle with how to effectively measure the results of using a new
method of teaching. Still, it is not the
most scientific, but better than nothing.
Based on their own opinions of how they learned, 74% felt that they did learn better as a result of this
method. And 21% were neutral. The 5%
who didn’t agree I wanted to look at deeper.
This was one student who (yes, one student, 1 out of 23) was not
successful at getting the credit and was not interested in getting it either –
no matter what I tried to do to intervene.
So all in all, I think I will try the flipped class next year with some
improvements to be mentioned later.
For your interest, here are the (unmodified) text response
questions and the answers that I received!
Best part about the Flipped class was......
it was easy to learn
You can work when you want to so you are more focused. If you do
not get something you can watch the video again to understand great exam
prepartion too.
Being able to pause stop and replay
you always know what is happening in class
The 24/7 available lesson.
I can catch up whenever needed to if I ever fall behind. Also a
great way to help you during the exam time because you can go over the videos
again and study.
being able to do the homework in class this way you could get
help from the teacher and your fellow peers at the sametime.
You get to do homework at class
I enjoyed the flipped class because I could take notes at my own
pace and learn the lessons while at home. Also at the same time I could come
to shool asking the teacher questions about things I do not get. I also think
the best part is being able to rewatch the lesson again to get anything I
being able to pause the video and keep up with taking notes.
having more knowledge and getting more information a day before.
i can watch the lesson whenever i wanted to pause it stop it and
watch it how many times i wanted to
get to spend more time with the teacher in class
I was able to get help from the teacher in class when i needed
Being able to watch the videos at home at anytime.
you could watch it on your own paste and you can pause and play
whenever you wanted
that when we get to watch our lessons we can alwasy go back and
replay anytime unlike in class if you missed the lesosn you missed it.
i could review the lesson again if needed and see the lesson if
i was absent
watching the vids at home so if you missed something you can go
back and check it
Ability to learn the lesson if you can't attend class
that if i missed class i would still be caught up
Using videos to catch up with the class rather than a
traditional textbook
Switching desks around.
Flipped class would be better if.......
the vidoe are short
the videos were a bit shorter it would be easier to pay more
attention the longer the video the more distracted you tend to get.
Its good how it is
it had a quiz at the end of the video
The flipped class would be better if the videos weren't always
so long and boring.
it would be better if it the videos weren't so long and boring
some of the time.
If maybe everyone just spent at least 15-20 minutes a night on
each subject like they should everyone in the class would be up-to-date and
we wouldn't have to skip things out on the schedule and lessons you had
planned for us. If everyone else was caught up we would have been able to
have an extra day of monopoly and also be able to work on our summative
every student participated in it.
better if there was a quiz at the end of each video to see if
what we watched went into our head
the teacher introduces the lesson in class before watching the
while watching the video we were able to ask the techer about
something we didnt understand. I guess its better to find out more about it
whil the lesson is fresh in your head. I guess if the teacher gives her email
to the students it would help more. This way if students have any last minute
questions at home while studying they can ask the teacher using email rather
than struggling to find out on their own.
The videos could be found directly in youtube
there were more examples added to the vidioes
the video's were a little shorter about 6-7minutes because some
of the video's were about 14 minutes long and there were WAY too many notes
to take. overall it was a good experience!
some videos wernt as long
there was more examples
Some lessons were taught a bit more in class as well
i liked it the way it was
no comment it's good as it is
worst part about the flipped class was.....
videos are too lomg
nothing really.
i would usally forget about the video after school
some are boring and takes forever to finish
The worst part was that if you didnt remember to watch the
vidceo you would have no idea what was happening in class the next day.
If you miss a lot of videos you have to catch up
Watching the very long videos...
A good majority of the class was ever caught up and everyone
took advantage of the fact that they can just watch the lessons at home. So
they would watch it at literally the last minute/day.
Forgetting to watch the vidoes at home.
when the video's were long
too many distractions espically going home and watching it on a
If the internet is down cant really watch the videos
I didnt really find anything that bad but sometimes i had the
issue of not getting to watch the video because i was so busy with what ever
going on at home.
When Angel or the videos didn't work.
the vidios were a little too ling sometimes
nothing really except for the really long videos which can be
shorter (if possible to cover all items of lesson).
sometimes angelo did not work and therfore i could not watch the
forgetting to watch videos
Sometimes you didnt have time due to other homework to watch the
One mind can only learn so much by themselves as opposed to a
teacher teaching it; if a video is watched and the teacher takes 25 minutes
during the class to go over the video that's when it's a win-win situation
for those who actually watched it
Talking to group members.
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